Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy reading

Welcome to my little blog

This blog is just where i log all the creative n wonderful little things i come across whilst surfing the web. Also its just another place for me to rant on about everyday artsy things. I hope you enjoy my blog. Lana xo

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Facebook selling Page. x

I now have a facebook page where you can buy all my jewellery, dont forget the £1 p&p. x

Monday 12 March 2012

Stone Bridge City Farm. Continued.....x

Hi, i haven't kept you up to date with my work for stone bridge in a while so here we go.
I revisted the farm last tuesday and took many photos and now i have a brief with the new fat who created their logo. I have been creating various merchandise / promotional items for the farm. Today i wanted to create cow prints but there was no tutorial anywhere so i created one. However sadly i cant upload a pdf file to this blog (well that im aware of). But here are some images of the promotional items and my final cow print.
Thank you lana x

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Pink scrabble update. x

Right as you all know i managed to get a box of pink special edition breast cancer awareness scrabble, 
so soon i will make a selection of jewellery from the pink scrabble.

So here is the main piece i will be making asap is the pink scrabble tile and bow necklace, all items r in stock now so just need to find some spare time and get cracking on finishing these beauts.

These amazingly unique items have been created by an eBay seller 
however they are no longer being sold so i will fill this gap. 
The public need more beauts like this around their necks.
So im going to bring them back.

I hope you love as much as me.
Thank you

Squishy adventure results. x

My squishy adventure. x
The results are in.

Either i did it wrong or it just is not worth all the hype i got sucked in by. 
Here are my findings as previously i posted the ingredients list however i might of added abit too much oil because i added extra my final creations seemed very oily so i might retry and not add more oil. 
Also i added a number of different food colouriongs to make the colours so maybe just maybe that could be the main culpret to.

Here is my evedience:
My coloured doughs.

My shapes from the pink dough. 
This is after it was cooked for 35 seconds in to microwave oven.

The Blue dough shapes.
This image is from before the squishy dough was cooked.

To the left  you can see a plate of  shapes, 
which needed to go in longer than 35 seconds. (roughly 45/50 seconds)
To the right you can see a plastic container 
with items that did cook within the 35 seconds, 
as for the previous image you can see where they were on the plate
 they were cooked on.

All blue cooked shapes. 
These atook in total 50 seconds to cook within the microwave oven.

Kawaii squishy Finals.
My final creations with Kawaii style faces. 

Close ups.

more close ups.

These creations left allot of oil marks on all surfaces they were left on, 
i honestly think i personaly screwed these up.

I will try within the next couple of weeks with just the ingediants list and no food colouring.

Please note these creations were drawn on with a sharpey permiment marker pen not the previously researched puffy paint but dont worry it will be explored. 

This is a trail and error experiment.

Thank you for looking. 

Sunday 4 March 2012

Food Imitations reg (1989). x

I found out about this today and was shocked by what I found. I never knew there was a food imitations regulation to do with food jewellery. 

The Food Imitations (Safety) Regulations 1989

Please note the following important information in relation to purchases of jewellery resembling sweets, cakes, fruit or other foodstuff. 
The aforementioned products are sold to you, the customer, on the understanding they do present a potential 
choking hazard and as such do not comply with section 4 of the Food Imitations (Safety) Regulations 1989. 
These beads are made of non-toxic polymer clay. They are not edible nor are they suitable for children.
Just thought you would like to know i'm glad i found out about this.
Thank you, Lana x

Friday 2 March 2012

Jewellery business starts...x

Hi, sorry i haven't posted in almost a week however i have some good news to report back, yesterday i sold 7 separate items of jewellery. So i was very pleased with that because the week before i had only sold 3 units so im extremely happy with my total 10 items sold so far. Another update to tell you about is i managed to get my hands on some pink limited edition breast cancer scrabble tiles so not long untill pink scrabble jewellery will be on sale any requests can be done asap. x

Check out http://www.dollymixtureclothing.co.uk/ they are a big influence for me so check out there jewellery and i will try and recreate there work for cheaper. Please note that my pink necklaces will have a purple bow on top. x

Thank you for reading lana. x