Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy reading

Welcome to my little blog

This blog is just where i log all the creative n wonderful little things i come across whilst surfing the web. Also its just another place for me to rant on about everyday artsy things. I hope you enjoy my blog. Lana xo

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Squishy adventure results. x

My squishy adventure. x
The results are in.

Either i did it wrong or it just is not worth all the hype i got sucked in by. 
Here are my findings as previously i posted the ingredients list however i might of added abit too much oil because i added extra my final creations seemed very oily so i might retry and not add more oil. 
Also i added a number of different food colouriongs to make the colours so maybe just maybe that could be the main culpret to.

Here is my evedience:
My coloured doughs.

My shapes from the pink dough. 
This is after it was cooked for 35 seconds in to microwave oven.

The Blue dough shapes.
This image is from before the squishy dough was cooked.

To the left  you can see a plate of  shapes, 
which needed to go in longer than 35 seconds. (roughly 45/50 seconds)
To the right you can see a plastic container 
with items that did cook within the 35 seconds, 
as for the previous image you can see where they were on the plate
 they were cooked on.

All blue cooked shapes. 
These atook in total 50 seconds to cook within the microwave oven.

Kawaii squishy Finals.
My final creations with Kawaii style faces. 

Close ups.

more close ups.

These creations left allot of oil marks on all surfaces they were left on, 
i honestly think i personaly screwed these up.

I will try within the next couple of weeks with just the ingediants list and no food colouring.

Please note these creations were drawn on with a sharpey permiment marker pen not the previously researched puffy paint but dont worry it will be explored. 

This is a trail and error experiment.

Thank you for looking. 


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