Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy reading

Welcome to my little blog

This blog is just where i log all the creative n wonderful little things i come across whilst surfing the web. Also its just another place for me to rant on about everyday artsy things. I hope you enjoy my blog. Lana xo

Sunday 26 February 2012

Extra squishy info...x

After my post not long ago i remembered that on my first squishy related post i gave a link to what first got me to check out the squishy clay. It was a person wanting to know what to draw on the squishy clay once cooked and i saw in her comments puffy paint is the answer, ive never heard of puffy paint previously but this sample video (link) shows you can buy it also the way to use it is fantastic, 
also you can home make it which i plan to do either tonight or tomorrow and the link i might follow is this (link). 
However if i find a better one without shaving cream i will follow that and link this blog to it for you all. 
Thank you. Lana xo

The start of my squishy adventure.x

I followed the instructions from the previously linked tutorial but I wanted coloured squishy clay
 so I followed the recipe which is half a cup of plain flour, 
1/4 of a cup of salt 
a table spoon of both veg oil and another tsp of water. 
Then I split into 3 and added pink food colour to one third and blue to another third 
and both pink and blue to make purple on the final third. 
Now im following the instructions to leave over night. 
So here I am so far in the photo. I will keep you informed tomorrow. 
Thank you lana xo

Squishy Creations...x

Squishy Clay Creations

I was surfing the net and you tube to get some inspiration for something unique and different and so when i came across some adorable little Squishy Charms (link) 
then i wanted to know how to create this so called squishy clay, 
so here are some Squishy Clay examples (link) 
that also then sent me to this squishy clay tutorial (youtube link) . 
I will make some and record my finidings on here for you all to know,
 i hope this works because it should be quick and easy. 
Here are some examples ... 

Cheers Lana x

Saturday 25 February 2012

Ebay Store. x

Thank you Lana. xo

Ebay Auctions. x

This weekend ebay uk has free insertion fees i saved over £10 and relisted 70 or so items. 
Please check out my products on the following link. -luvlana-x_ebaystore
Here is a sneak peak at some of the items available ...

Cheers Lana xo

Friday 24 February 2012

Polymer Clay Creations. x

I honestly can't stop searching these Polymer clay creations they are so cute. But is this style finishing now? i hope not these are adorable and they make this strap cashed planet a little mire happier from day to day becasue everything has a face and a big friendly smile. The creations with faces gives me a whole new world to be influenced by like for example PaperChase (Stickers example) has the cutest stickers. Just gotts love them. Paperchase has rhe cutests ranges tbh like bubbleandsweet also teatime. xo

Don't forget to watch the vid and follow the links above.
Cheers Lana x

Is gold in? x

has the cutest Necklaces with i have all the materials just in siliver does it still have the same charm so should i spray or buy gold ones.

Would you buy this? 

Also That Creative Company bulk scented love hearts from before sold for £20.50 for a 100 so 20p a piece that's a bargain tbh so i will watch out for future items from them but there creations are also gold. 

Is gold in? or is it known its just me who hasn't noticed? I think i might create one of either colour for that personal preference. x

Cheers Lana xo


Uni update {feb}. x

Uni Update: StoneBridge City Farm

This is my update for feb on everything to do with uni, It's the start of my FMP (final major project) and its my last project on this course (fda design) and well heres the project i am going to go with and hopefully will go to New Designers with in July. Also this could lead to another amazing oppurtunity to get a summer job at New Fat design company in nottingham.  

The project is for a recently rescued farm, this farm was due to close due to funding however it was saved my magic i don't know how, but when my tutor told me i was over joyed because infact this farm is close to my heart its the farm ive visted all my life and all my sibling and even my mum i believe my family have lived in the same area of Nottingham for a few decades at least because i'm 20 almost 21 (woop woop!) and the farm is Stone Bridge City Farm in St. Anne's more snienton thought tbh. 

Because of my family link this project means alot to me and i can't wait to get stuck into it, I can create my own brief so i think i have to create the corporate logo guideline booklet also a whole range of packaging posters maybe even a tebby or two and also some sub brands like a chick or a pig for certain parts of the park. Also even tickets or poster events etc... 
Maybe even an advert and/or animation, i plan to take this to advertising heaven. I can't wait wish me luck.

Check back to you soon. 
Lana x

My Lego Products so far. x

My Lego products so far but these are just the first of what's to come. x

Thank you. Lana xo

Thursday 23 February 2012


If you see anything you like amongst my jewellery 
its available on my tempary website, 
This site is only until more money comes in 
so help a graduate get a foot into the real world.
Thanks Lana xo

Love Hearts Bracelet & what's next?

has a love hearts bracelet as you can see above that i will create with my fimo and maybe foam clay love hearts results will be on asap. 
Love hearts are being overly made now in the fimo world so i want to know what you all want to see in my jewellery in the future any suggestions welcome, 
cheers Lana xo

Sweet New Look!

There's a new look to my blog to go along side with my new sweet adventures. So hope you like the new sweet look! xo
Thank you Lana xo

My small business adventure.x

My own free website from webs.com i can only sell 5 items but in the photo gallery you can see all my creations and request if you would like just email me at luv-lana@live.co.uk
Hope you Enjoy!
, Lana x

Sweet scented Jewellery.x

The above site creates the scented Fimo creations i spoke of before, i have created very simular designs but mine aren't scented so if any one know how to create them scented you will be doing my a big favour by helping me. 
This company is all back to from for one ring it's starting price is 99p and £4.99 p&p 
but then it jumps to a whole 100 rings also at a starting price of 99p but £9.99 p&p. 
The image above is of a set of a 100 earrings at the same price of 100 rings, surely this is bad business skills or are they trying to get rid of what they can't sell?
I am just starting this small business adventure so i am personally unsure whither these are a bargain or a money  pit i will keep you all informed on my decision. 
Thankz Lana x
P.s some more images from the creative company below.

Starbucks charms.x

As you've seen in a previous blog iv'e been led to the fimo creations path 
and have created a small range of a 100 love hearts fimo jewellery 
and i heard about scented fimo however its seems to be a hidden secret of trade :(
 but during my searching i came across this cute video.
Starbucks tutorial in this video it shows you how to create small starbucks drinks, 
these are adorable, i will make some of these and post as soon as they are done. 
This video was her furst attempt so please be warned not best video but she tells you what you need to know. x

Thank you Lana xo

Friday 17 February 2012

Kitsch Hand Made Jewellery.x

Once in a life time event. Join the party at facebook events.
facebook event.
The event takes place now here: Luvlana-x_ebay store.x

make sure to have a look and get ur soon to be designer wear cheap before its big! x

Thank you Lana xo