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Welcome to my little blog

This blog is just where i log all the creative n wonderful little things i come across whilst surfing the web. Also its just another place for me to rant on about everyday artsy things. I hope you enjoy my blog. Lana xo

Friday 24 February 2012

Uni update {feb}. x

Uni Update: StoneBridge City Farm

This is my update for feb on everything to do with uni, It's the start of my FMP (final major project) and its my last project on this course (fda design) and well heres the project i am going to go with and hopefully will go to New Designers with in July. Also this could lead to another amazing oppurtunity to get a summer job at New Fat design company in nottingham.  

The project is for a recently rescued farm, this farm was due to close due to funding however it was saved my magic i don't know how, but when my tutor told me i was over joyed because infact this farm is close to my heart its the farm ive visted all my life and all my sibling and even my mum i believe my family have lived in the same area of Nottingham for a few decades at least because i'm 20 almost 21 (woop woop!) and the farm is Stone Bridge City Farm in St. Anne's more snienton thought tbh. 

Because of my family link this project means alot to me and i can't wait to get stuck into it, I can create my own brief so i think i have to create the corporate logo guideline booklet also a whole range of packaging posters maybe even a tebby or two and also some sub brands like a chick or a pig for certain parts of the park. Also even tickets or poster events etc... 
Maybe even an advert and/or animation, i plan to take this to advertising heaven. I can't wait wish me luck.

Check back to you soon. 
Lana x


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