Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy reading

Welcome to my little blog

This blog is just where i log all the creative n wonderful little things i come across whilst surfing the web. Also its just another place for me to rant on about everyday artsy things. I hope you enjoy my blog. Lana xo

Thursday 23 February 2012

Starbucks charms.x

As you've seen in a previous blog iv'e been led to the fimo creations path 
and have created a small range of a 100 love hearts fimo jewellery 
and i heard about scented fimo however its seems to be a hidden secret of trade :(
 but during my searching i came across this cute video.
Starbucks tutorial in this video it shows you how to create small starbucks drinks, 
these are adorable, i will make some of these and post as soon as they are done. 
This video was her furst attempt so please be warned not best video but she tells you what you need to know. x

Thank you Lana xo


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