Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy reading

Welcome to my little blog

This blog is just where i log all the creative n wonderful little things i come across whilst surfing the web. Also its just another place for me to rant on about everyday artsy things. I hope you enjoy my blog. Lana xo

Friday 24 February 2012

Polymer Clay Creations. x

I honestly can't stop searching these Polymer clay creations they are so cute. But is this style finishing now? i hope not these are adorable and they make this strap cashed planet a little mire happier from day to day becasue everything has a face and a big friendly smile. The creations with faces gives me a whole new world to be influenced by like for example PaperChase (Stickers example) has the cutest stickers. Just gotts love them. Paperchase has rhe cutests ranges tbh like bubbleandsweet also teatime. xo

Don't forget to watch the vid and follow the links above.
Cheers Lana x


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