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Welcome to my little blog

This blog is just where i log all the creative n wonderful little things i come across whilst surfing the web. Also its just another place for me to rant on about everyday artsy things. I hope you enjoy my blog. Lana xo

Thursday 23 February 2012

Sweet scented Jewellery.x

The above site creates the scented Fimo creations i spoke of before, i have created very simular designs but mine aren't scented so if any one know how to create them scented you will be doing my a big favour by helping me. 
This company is all back to from for one ring it's starting price is 99p and £4.99 p&p 
but then it jumps to a whole 100 rings also at a starting price of 99p but £9.99 p&p. 
The image above is of a set of a 100 earrings at the same price of 100 rings, surely this is bad business skills or are they trying to get rid of what they can't sell?
I am just starting this small business adventure so i am personally unsure whither these are a bargain or a money  pit i will keep you all informed on my decision. 
Thankz Lana x
P.s some more images from the creative company below.


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